Hello! My name is Kimberly, and I thank you for visiting my website. It is a work in progress, and I hope you visit back often.
Here's a bit of information about me. I'm a wife and mother of two young adult children and three cats. I never intended to have three cats. My limit was two, but I was fostering Maddie (the third) for a local animal shelter, and after four weeks, we fell in love with her so now here we are!
We have enjoyed traveling as a family. We have traveled to 13 of the 51 States (including as far away as Hawaii twice), and across Canada. We haven't made it to Europe yet. We also enjoy camping together.
Working online has always been my dream, as I want to spend time doing the things I love when I want to. My crafty entrepreneurial spirit has led me here today, and I'm so glad you are here to enjoy life with me.
Send me a message anytime!